Marketing Your Music Isn't a New Concept

.... In fact it's centuries old. Like, the late 1800s old when print advertising of music began. Music has been used in advertising since the 1920s, when radio stations began selling airtime. And in more recent years, newspapers, magazines, billboards, TV, movies... you name it.

Why do I bring this up? Because time and time again, I encounter artists - even some of my own clients - who aren't grasping the concept of marketing themselves. Building their brand, promoting their art, selling themselves as musicians, and doing everything humanly possible to get themselves out their and reach their goals.

Phrases like "let the music speak for itself" or "I'm just an artist, I just want to make art" are all too common. Or even "I just want people to hear my music" which is better, but then what?!

Look, there are different ways to go about marketing yourself and your music but the bottom line is this: if you don't do anything to let your target audience or your fans know that you have art worth consuming - or performances worth seeing - they're never going to know about it.

Yes, let the music speak for itself... as long as you're telling people about it.

Music should still be your #1 priority - making it, performing it, selling it - whatever you plan to do with it. But you need to remember that if you have big goals for yourself in music, you need to be thinking like the CEO of a business, and your music is your product. But have you built a brand around it? Are you marketing and selling it? Don't forget these steps, because two thirds of the pie have nothing to do with your music and everything about how you're presenting yourself in front of your target audience and your fans.

If you need help, let's talk


Your Reputation & Online Presence MATTER


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